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Back to Basics: The value and purpose of NFTs

Many GameFi projects lack a clear vision and understanding of NFTs. Therefore, they fail to integrate NFTs into their games properly in a way that creates value for their players or explores the potential of NFTs in depth.

Player avatars, hundreds of fighter cards with hundreds of millions of customization possibilities, and rare mutated forms ensure every NFT in Zombie Apocalypse is unique, with plenty of rare tokens for players to create and discover. The uniqueness and rarity will help establish the same verticality seen in NFT art markets, allowing the NFTs in GameFi to realize the original value and purpose of NFTs.

More details:

Art Design

Rich Gameplay

Currently, many blockchain-based games are little more than simulators to mine NFTs with a bit of packaging and window dressing, which is less creating an engaging game with gameplay and social interactions, and more attempting to gamify mining.

This project uses exciting battles and building and operating a home base as the two core gameplay modes, each generating resources for the other in a proven gameplay loop that has captivated mobile gamers for years, showing how GameFi and mobile gaming can enhance and bring new life to each other.

Sustainable In-Game Economy

We have designed a sustainable economic model to operate in concert with the above gameplay modes to avoid the out-of-control economies that create short term interest but raise barriers to new players in the future. This will prevent players from being held captive to the economy, and allow late joiners to be able to participate and see economic returns, rather than rewarding only early adopters.

It should be noted that our economic model is based on years of experience with mobile SLG games and crypto-asset trading. We are confident that sustainability will not come at the price of increased risk, as the tools and systems in place are well-tested and understood.

Last updated